Integrated Rattan Supply Chain Harmoni Usaha Indonesia
Indonesia stands as a global powerhouse in rattan production, supplying an impressive 80% of the world’s demand. However, only 10% of this rattan is cultivated and most of the rest rattan is still sourced from wild harvests. Harmoni Usaha Indonesia recognizing the importance of sustainable practices. Spearheading initiatives to cultivate more rattan, integrated rattan supply chain.
On July 25-26, 2024, Harmoni Usaha Indonesia participated in a rattan cultivation event of Kementerian Perindustrian Republik Indonesia at the invitation by PJ Kabupaten Katingan. The event not only marked a significant step towards increasing cultivated rattan but also involved the handover of rattan processing machinery to the Katingan district government.
Looking ahead plans to provide technical assistance to local communities, from seedling production to plantation establishment. By investing in these initiatives, Harmoni Usaha Indonesia aims to not only increase the sustainability of the rattan industry but also contribute to the economic development of regions like Katingan. This strategic move positions Harmoni Usaha Indonesia in promoting sustainable and responsible rattan production.