
PT. Harmoni Usaha Indonesia
Piyungan Cikal, Srimulyo, Piyungan, Bantul Regency Special Region of Yogyakarta 55792 • [email protected]

Partnership Development: Harmoni Usaha Indonesia and Katingan Kalimantan Government

Partnership Development: Harmoni Usaha Indonesia and Katingan Kalimantan Government

On January 24, 2024, Mr. Kasim Ghozali, President Director of PT HUI, embarked on a visit to Katingan Regency to engage in discussions with local government officials. The primary objective of the meeting was to explore the substantial potential of rattan resources within Katingan and to identify potential avenues for collaboration between PT HUI and the regional administration.

A primary focus of the meeting was on the strategic importance of Katingan’s high-quality rattan resources. Mr. Ghozali emphasized the need to optimize rattan productivity, broaden market penetration, and enhance the value proposition of Katingan’s rattan-based products. To facilitate these objectives, PT HUI proposed several initiatives requiring the support of the regional government, including the issuance of necessary permits, the implementation of training programs for rattan farmers, and the development of essential infrastructure to bolster the rattan industry.

Katingan Regency officials expressed enthusiastic support for PT HUI’s proposals, reaffirming their dedication to fostering the growth of the local rattan industry. This strategic partnership is anticipated to stimulate economic growth, generate employment opportunities, and elevate the global market standing of Katingan’s rattan products.

The meeting served as a critical foundation for realizing a shared vision of advancing the rattan industry within Katingan, while simultaneously solidifying a collaborative relationship between PT HUI and the regional government in pursuit of sustainable development goals.